Welcome to Step 1

What Makes Software Companies Super Successful?

If you are a shareholder, founder, or senior executive of a software development company, please register your basic contact details below. We will then send you our Competitive Space™ overview. This document WILL NOT contain often-repeated social media platitudes.  

One of the most challenging issues for hyper-busy software senior executives and owners is to stay current and always learning and progressing. 

Growing Your Business Profitably In Today’s Fast-Changing Software Market?

Too often, we see often repeated management thinking that circulates and reverberates like in an echo chamber. It is a psychological truism that repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is, or not. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for costly and time-consuming activities that bring little or no growth. 

By completing the quick and straightforward three steps in the following process, you will gain the following:

  •  Step OneCompetitive Space™ Pathway (Read/Listening/Watch Time Only) – Overview understanding of cognitive science techniques that software companies can adopt to gain greater Competitive Space™ in your prospect and client positioning and communication.
  •  Step TwoOutcome Clarification (2 mins) – Facilitate your thinking in the specific outcomes you want from your positioning and science-based communication.
  •  Step ThreeProblem Identification (2 mins) – Identify the key issues that need to be addressed to reach your specific outcomes.

Competitive Space™ Visual Report: Following the above steps, we will send you a personalised (not automated) visual report to aid your thinking and discuss with your colleagues.

Please note that; This overview WILL NOT be sent to executives from marketing agencies, freelancers, or anybody who is not a senior executive or shareholder of a software company. The responses from OutSmart are NOT automated. Our aim is to provide some valuable feedback for you that can be used to facilitate your thinking and for further discussion.

Please allow at least 24 hours for a response. We will aim to get back to you as quickly as possible.