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Don’t Hide From Or Ignore The Problem Areas Of Your Business?

So let’s get real for a moment. Just setting your goals alone won’t create success. You need to drink a large gulp of realism and look at the “Problems” that are currently preventing your business from progressing.

The first step in solving a problem is to recognize that it does exist’ – Zig Ziglar

One of the common errors we have seen in software companies that struggle is their single focus upon just their strengths. Typically, software companies have a bias towards areas of the business where they are confident and have the greatest experience and not on their weaknesses. For instance, software engineers focus and have faith in their software IP, which as Bill Gates once said: “Has the shelf life of a banana”.  The idea being ‘Build it and they will come” unfortunately does not work in the software sector anymore due to there being too much competition.

Leadership is solving problems. So we need to stare down our problems in the early cold morning light and then eat those problems for breakfast. So let’s be brave and get these problems that prevent you from reaching your outcomes visible so they can be attacked.

By completing the problems outcome page, we will assist you in identifying some key issues that may get in the way of the outcomes you identified.

In addition, we will also send you our FREE BONUS Competitive Space™ Insights: a list of insights for software entrepreneurs. These are observations, experiences and insights obtained from our “Bamboo Report,” which studied over 400 of the fastest growing and most successful software companies globally.